Whenever you encounter a comparison—be it through images, videos, individuals, or any other form of transformation—the ‘After‘ depiction consistently presents an improved, if not the optimal, version compared to the ‘Before‘. How does the ‘After‘ and ‘Before‘ looking when you take up a task in your job?
Although not all can take a Nokia and a Blackberry and turn it into an iPhone.
What if? you consider taking the mindset of “I will leave it better than how I got it” into your work and for every task you undertake whether it’s your core responsibility or not.


Let’s delve deeper into this idea which is fundamental to become innovative at your work.
Let’s explore four distinct approaches through which you can guarantee that the product, project, application, or review process improves beyond its initial state when you first received it.
Customer Focus: A Priority always

Regardless of whether you’re developing a product, managing a project, recruiting new talent, or engaging with internal teams, prioritize the customer and resolving their issues. This customer-centric approach typically yields outcomes that delight customers, even if your immediate stakeholders may not initially support your methods or ideas. Ultimately, it’s the customer’s satisfaction with the solution that truly matters, above all else.
Move Beyond Roles and Responsibilities
To truly enhance the current task or project, it’s imperative to transcend the confines of your role. Operating solely within these boundaries can hinder problem-solving efforts. You must extend beyond your role by fostering collaboration with other groups, delegating tasks to colleagues, and undertaking endeavors that may not garner immediate recognition. These actions are instrumental in attaining the desired goal.
Trust the Power of Intuition

Improving the performance of an existing app, feature, or process often hinges on logical analysis of pain points and making decisions with a degree of calculated risk. This approach thrives when there’s clarity regarding all parameters and problem statements. In instances where clarity is lacking and decisions must be made, rely on your intuition honed through years of experience or familiar scenarios. Never hesitate to trust your intuition regarding approaches, solutions, or ideas, even if those around you disagree.
Embrace Ownership, Both Failure and Success

A few years ago, as I watched a TV series about a Mafia family, there was a scene where the father was passing his empire to his son. As he concluded the handover, he imparted these words: “Remember, you’re now in charge of the family. Whatever occurs under your leadership is your responsibility.
That dialogue struck a chord with me; I realized I never offered explanations when faced with failure in whatever little I opportunities I get to lead.”
Setbacks are a natural aspect of life, including your IT projects. Avoid taking failures personally yet refrain from assigning blame to others when you’re leading the project or the work. Instead, embrace accountability for failures with greater confidence than you do for successes.
To conclude, in the IT world, everything is transient. Whether due to circumstances beyond your control or personal progression, you will eventually be succeeded by someone else. Adopting the mindset of “Leaving it Better than I got it” enables you to consistently deliver a ‘WoW’ experience to customers.
Contact me, for a detailed career plan for your aspiring roles.